The SSPRS Mission
The driving force behind quality, teamwork and dedication to helping those in need.
The mission of SSPRS and our prime directive is always the truth. The truth does not conform to versions, only facts. Our motivating force is to understand paranormal events and experiences and to bring comfort and help those who have them by investigation, research and even just being a friendly ear.
We strive towards quality and detailed record keeping so we can establish patterns and find the answers, even when the answers are not apparent.
We also believe in unity and a true community of researchers, much like existing scientific bodies and in that vein, we work with other teams that share our high standards and respect for objectivity as well as the most important aspect of what we do: Helping people that have issues and have nowhere else to go.
How We Work.
Before any investigation is scheduled, we have an extensive screening and interview process to determine if an investigation is warranted. If that is passed, then an investigation is scheduled, usually on a weekend and sometimes through the entire weekend if needed.
The investigation team maps the property and established a baseline for data set measurement for electromagnetic fields, temperature and more. A central area is set up by the team from which to run investigation operations and dispatch teams. Further on site interviews may take place.
An investigation will usually run about eight hours during which multiple readings are taken, experiments carried out, EVP sessions ran and team members changed out to avoid becoming fatigued.
SSPRS takes a technological and scientific approach to studying and investigating the paranormal. This means we use dedicated instruments like magnetometers, thermo-couples, IR temperature guns, audio records and UV cameras to study an environment and record data about potential anomalies to coincide with subjective experiences of the occupants. We do our best to adhere to the scientific method.
This allows us to determine if there is mundane explanation the experiences or perhaps a extraordinary one.
We do not use psychics or mediums and while we understand the importance of psi abilities, it would not be fair of us to use a method such as psi abilities to study another unknown set of events. That said, we may still test for psi and psi abilities if warranted of the occupants. Such tests are not conclusive and thus are used and intended to be used in conjunction with supporting data.
After an investigation is complete, we go back to our home office and begin the process of analysis using programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Audition, Audacity and more to study the photographs, videos and audio recordings we took while on site.
We also review any and all data measurement logs we took on site and compare them to the recordings taken. If needed, we will work with other teams to bring other skills and programs to bear on the data.
This process can take two to three weeks and once it is complete, we will notify you of our findings as well as provides of our documentation and media at your request. We will at that time offer our opinion based on we were able to collect on whether or not the experiences are mundane or extra-normal.